Thursday, April 5, 2007

Barack + Blue Neon Halo = ?

This sculpture (display name:”Blessing”) is an interesting one.

Done by a student of the Art Institute of Chicago named David Cordero, and made for his senior show, this has gotten alot of attention as he is being depicted as Jesus.
Took a look:

I find it to be very interesting, the public outcry is is similar to the most recent one of the chocolate jesus, also known by its display name “My Sweet Lord”:

Anyway, back to the Barack one, I find it interesting that this would cause a stir, I mean I’m not surprised though. Must be cool for the student that Barack himself has chimed in (AP article):

‘While we respect First Amendment rights and don’t think the artist was trying to be offensive, Senator Obama, as rule, isn’t a fan of art that offends religious sensibilities,” said Obama spokeswoman Jen Psaki’

Anyway, thoughts?

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